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The Model 5 Lab OC-EC uses a proven thermal-optical method to analyse for organic and elemental carbon aerosols collected on quartz filters. The instrument has a temperature controlled diode laser, an integrated 16-bit data system/CPU board, power control hardware, automated flow controls, and software making this OC-EC analyser unsurpassed for reliability. The samples are thermally desorbed from the filter medium under an inert helium atmosphere followed by an oxidising atmosphere using carefully controlled heating ramps. A flame ionisation detector (FID) is used to monitor the analysis. Proven low dead volume carrier gas control system and proprietary quartz oven design provide high sensitivity with ultra-low carbon background and no oxygen contamination. This instrument has been used to analyse a wide variety of sample types, including: ambient urban and rural areas, national parklands, forest fire plumes and oil fires from the Gulf War. The standard instrument is a manual introduction for filter analysis, however, an autoloader can be purchased for customers in need of unattended analysis.
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Detailed Specs
M5L OCEC instrument with TOT or TOT/TOR option
Latest Version of Operation & Calculation Software
Diode Laser optical system (660 ± 5 nm)
FID/ Methanation Oven Unit
Electronic Flow control system
CPU Controller
Operator, service and maintenance manuals
Controlling Computer with Windows 10 Professional
Spare parts and supplies included:
- Heater-coils – Qty 3 (one for each oven)
- Spare Methanation tube – Qty 1
- Spare Quartz-Oven – Qty 1
- Spare Sample Boats – Qty 2
- 100 feet of pre-cleaned tubing for carrier gas lines.
- Performance Characteristics
Range: TC – 0.2 to 600 ug/cm2
Range: OC – 0.2 to 600 ug/cm2
Range: EC – 0.2 to 30 ug/cm2
Limit of Detection – 0.10 ug/cm2
- Measurement Method (User Configurable)
- NIOSH 5040
- User defined custom applications
- Calibration
- External Standard – Uses an external standard calibration gas. A fixed-loop volume of this gas in injected at the end of every analysis. All calculated results are referenced against this external standard.
- Primary calibrations are referenced against sucrose solutions or NIST traceable gas standards. NIST traceable gas standards are USER provided and must be ordered separately if desired.
- Support Gases to be supplied by customer:
- Helium (99.999% or better).
- Helium (99.999% or better) with 10% Oxygen balance; Oxygen should be 99.995% purity or better.
- Helium (99.999% or better) with 5% Methane balance; Methane should be 99.99% or better.
- Air (“Ultra-zero” grade preferred; “zero” air is sufficient).
- Hydrogen (99.999% or better).