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Shake-the-Box is the most advanced 3D Lagrangian PTV method for densely seeded flows at highest spatial resolution. Its most distinct feature is the accurate tracking of tracer particles at highest possible seeding density so far. The high number of tracked particles is directly related to the highest possible spatial resolution for non-intrusive velocity, vorticity, acceleration and pressure measurement. Compared to the voxel-based Tomo-PIV approach Shake-the-Box is a purely particle-based technique using an Iterative Particle Reconstruction (IPR) technique in combination with an advanced 4D-PTV algorithm using the time-information for track reconstruction. Shake-the-Box achieves a higher reconstruction accuracy at much faster processing speed compared with its TR-Tomo-PIV counterpart.
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Detailed Specs
- time-resolved PTV for 4D flow analysis at high seeding densities
- award-winning particle reconstruction and tracking algorithm: 4th International PIV Challenge
- unsurpassed precision for velocity and acceleration of particle tracks
- very fast processing speed
- hardware compatible with TR-Tomo-PIV setups