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Provide real-time molecular monitoring with fast time resolution (10 Hz) and with exquisite sensitivity in the low parts per trillion range for many species.
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These instruments rely on our Astigmatic Multi pass Absorption Cells to provide enhanced sensitivity.
The QCL Mini Monitor is a compact, single laser trace gas monitor. The instrument can be configured to detect many trace gas species including NO, N2O, NO2, NH3, CO, CO2, CH4, C2H6, COS, HCHO, O3 and many others. In some cases, multiple species can be detected simultaneously. For example: N2O, CH4 and water; N2O, CO and water; N2O, CO2 and water; CO, CO2, N2O, and water.
The Dual QC Laser Trace Gas Monitor allows for the simultaneous measurement of multiple species using two multiplexed QC lasers. The list of molecules includes NO, N2O, NO2, NH3, HONO, HNO3, CO, CH4, C2H4, HCHO, CHOOH, SO2, COS, O3, HOOH and others. Choose between two versions – one with enhanced sensitivity , the other with enhanced time response.
The Carbon Dioxide Isotope Monitor provides real-time measurement of the isotopic ratio of 13CO2 and CO18O in ambient air samples. Its precision is unrivalled among optical isotope monitors and approaches that of Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry – but with real time results even in a field setting. We also offer a version of the CO2 isotope monitor that simultaneously measures the isotopic composition of water vapour and a version for the “clumped” isotopes of CO2.
Isotopic Monitors for CH4 and N2O are specialized versions of the Dual Laser instrument. For methane we measure the isotopic ratios of 13CH4 and CH3D. For, nitrous oxide, we report the isotopic ratios of 15N14NO, 14N15NO and NN18O.